Monday 24 August 2009

The Pendet Dance

A nation that is very humiliating If not have a cultural identity. They were very confused determine personal identity. Very funny, reckless and stupid. Perhaps is a word that should be spoken regrets, why in the past the ancestors of a nation, have no cultural identity. Just create a dance just unable to, really very stupid.
Recently, a work of art, a dance from the island of Bali the dance Pendet, claimed by the nation of Malaysia. Malaysian community with easy shamelessly using the icons of the island of Bali as part of their culture. Pendet Dance is one of the Balinese culture which has hundreds of years old. This dance is usually in the show during the welcoming ceremony. Awards given to guests by displaying this Pendet dance.
This is what makes the world laugh was a great nation such as Malaysia have no cultural identity, so that the work of another nation's culture becomes the target for claims. Does this show Malaysian minister of culture of the kingdom, too smart to deceive the world or too stupid and dazed, looking, people's identity. ha...ha....

Wednesday 5 August 2009

If we hold on

Don't lose your way -------------------------Words are swaying
With each passing day------------------------Someone is praying
You've come so far---------------------------Please let us come home to stay
Don't throw it away--------------------------If we hold on together
Live believing---------------------------------I know our dreams will never die
Dreams are for weaving----------------------Dreams see us through to forever
Wonders are waiting to start-----------------Where clouds roll by
Live your story-------------------------------For you and I
Faith, hope & glory--------------------------When we are out there in the dark
hold to the truth in your heart--------------We'll dream about the sun
------------------------------------------------In the dark we'll feel the light
If we hold on together-----------------------Warm our hearts, everyone
I know our dreams will never die
Dreams see us through to forever-------------If we hold on together
Where clouds roll by-------------------------I know our dreams will never die
For you and I--------------------------------Dreams see us through to forever
---------------------------------------------As high as souls can fly
Souls in the wind----------------------------The clouds roll by
Must learn how to bend-----------------------For you and I
Seek out a star
Hold on to the end
Valley, mountain
There is a fountain
Washes our tears all away

Saturday 1 August 2009

The music of sundanese ethnic.

The music of sundanese ethnic.

Sunda ethnic music, called the Angklung. This traditional musical instrument made from natural bamboo rod that is. Hearing this music has a musical tone as other musical instrument.Angklung, already used by the public since sunda hundreds of years ago.Angklung, already used by the public since sunda hundreds of years ago. Usually used in the event a party people and the arts, with accompanying dance and sing songs.on this instrument, the tone that caused Angklung very tuneful, very seriously touch the heart. Moreover, when used to accompany songs that nuances elegy. On the usage of music in the modern world, often combined with other music equipment, such as guitar, violin and piano. Therefore, the results of works of art in the form of dances and songs , arts sunda are very smooth.Angklung music is very famous in the world. When we play Angklung combined with flute and guitar, other people who hear will feel upset. But for the younger generation, they are more like the rhythm with the energetic rhythm. So now many of the songs sunda be a very energetic.
Music is a work of art. With music you can show the human character itself. With all the music people can do for health therapy. This will also be able to find you, if you play music from the Sunda Angklung.

Saturday 25 July 2009

By Train Go to town

Natural Hotel

The hotel is a natural, is very good for those of you who have a hobby adventurers. Why? Body and soul are healthy of course very expensive. For that natural feel is to make you back to nature. Global warming is very concerned at this time all the people, triggering all the race to repair the damage.How do you see that a hotel was built in the open, free from pollution is harmful? Of course this is far from urban areas. We strongly agree, It is from when the world is still a forest. This reminds us of the need to have a healthy tuberculosis.

Simple industry

Results creative people sometimes do not get the award. But some business, always register right creative, to get the patent rights. Indeed, very unfair. Not require changes in human life? but why some people become a monopoly?Be human intellect has a mind. Pate with them to create new things. Humans are required to share information with others. Not for himself. We are aware that the man can not live alone? Until now simple industry are left out of recognition by copyright. Very ironic indeed.

The Batik

Make cloth colors, is part of the art. Batik, is a blend of art and a very human level. Power between the thought, creativity and the natural environment around. Batik art, comes from the region of Indonesia. People in Indonesia have a high sense of copyright in the creative ideas mold. No nation in the world of art has a batik like this. This shows the claim that the nation does not have a high culture. You all know, the people whether they?If there is a claim that the art of batik originated not from the region of Indonesia, is the whopper. Indeed very contemptible, if works of art claimed to other nations at will.

The history of Siliwangi King

When we talk about prabu Siliwangi, he is a king in the region sunda, west java now. He has a specialty. other than a ruler he was, King Siliwangi have a tiger, which is always with him at any time. This is according to the myths that developed in the community sunda. This tiger is very docile on the owner, always according to the command and obey the king and also a role as personal bodyguard to the king.
Siliwangi king has the power in the kingdom Pajajaran. He is a charismatic figure in the community sunda until now. Pajajaran history of the kingdom, and King Siliwangi, many versions of a narrative about it. However, to facilitate the understanding of all the local government has published a history, which comes from the historian sunda, the ancient book of the book, inscription or other evidence of authenticity.
In the various books that tells about the King and the kingdom Siliwangi Pajajaran, mentioned that the power of the king Siliwangi, the kingdom is very strong, harmonious community living, safe, and prosperous.